Saturday, September 19, 2009

Hello stranger!

Yeah, yeah, yeah! I know. I take a few weeks off to loaf around doing nothing but eating hummus & pita chips, watching Planet Green & everyone gets a bee in their bonnets cause I don't write like I used to before I had three kids. SHEESH!

Well, here it is.

Turned 6
Started 1st Grade
Started a new season of dance
Started Girl Scouts

Not only started walking, he now RUNS!
Talking and signing a TON.
Has the greatest sense of humor I have ever encountered.

William (aka Billy):
Is now 6 weeks old
Weighs 12lbs
Smiles when he is awake (not just gas, not just dreamy smiles, although they are very dreamy!)

So here are their adorable mugs. I promise to try to write more often.