Thursday, December 25, 2008

Cozy Toesies, Santa pops in, Gr(inch)acie has a laps of judgment and we all have a mostly Merry Christmas

Heather made these AMAZING slippers for the family from an old wool sweater. Sooooooo amazing!!!!! They are lined with Heather's formerly loved Kashmir sweaters so our feet wouldn't get itchy. Such love and care! AMAZING!!! The slippers & the sister.

Santa came and filled the stockings. Grace got to sneak a peek.

But in the morning we woke to see that she had pillaged not only her own stocking but also her brother's. I was NOT happy. Actually, I bawled my eyes out. I was so sad that she would do that.

Before Gr(inch)acie:


But, we got passed it and had a pretty good time at Joel's parents' house with his Papa & Aunt Lee. It was nice. It was quiet. Well, till Jesse started screaming & we took that as our sign it was time to head home.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Hey Jesse! Guess what!


Yep! Jesse is going to be a big brother! We found out on the 15th. Joel wanted a second opinion, so a few days later I took another test.

....yeah! I know!!!!

Monday, December 22, 2008


Is there anything in the world better that a smile this HUGE!?

Thursday, December 18, 2008

A Christmas tree, a lost toof, and a BBQ sauce-lovin baby!

Oh Tannenbaum! I love our tree. It's the one that Joel's family used for years. As much as I love the tradition of a natural tree, I love the little bit of nostalgia this one brings. And, I don't have to remember to water it!

Grace's 2nd tooth finally fell out...when I wiggled it....while I pulled really hard. BAD MOMMY!!! But that thing had to go. It was hanging by a toothy thread & it was freaking us all out that she might swallow it. So, here is our lovely little Grace-o-lantern!

And last, but certainly not least....Jesse is a Georgia Boy through & through. He LOVED BBQ Sauce! OK, it's really prunes. But doesn't it look like BBQ? We were cracking up. He's such a good eater.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Party Hardy Kindergardy!!!!

Friday was the Christmas party at Gracie's school. I had the honor of helping out. I almost volunteered to be the class Mom, but even I know my own limits. But I had a great time. Gracie's teachers are awesome. The whole room was oozing with Christmassy loveliness. There is something extraordinary about her teacher, Miss Eileen. She loves those kids so much. She makes each one feel like they are her her favorite without causing any jealousy. She has made Gracie LOVE school. I LOVE that. So, here are some sweet pictures from that day.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Jesse turned SEVEN months old yesterday (the 8th). To celebrate, he cut his first tooth. That little bud on the bottom left finally bloomed into a very sharp little tooth. Poor little dude! Thank God for Hyland's Teething Tablets. They are wonderful. I have even used them on canker sores. If you are the parent (or caregiver) of a child who is teething, get Hyland's. Target has them at the pharmacist's counter for under $5. They are way better & SAFER than numbing gel. That can cause a gagging hazard.

Grace has lost one tooth & has another that is literally hanging on by a thread. The new teeth are growing in already. How are our babies getting so big, so fast?! NOT FAIR! We went to see Santa last weekend. He was great. She was a little shy. But she told him that she wants anything he would like to give her EXCEPT for Barbies or Bratz. I'm so proud.

We are finally almost over our gross cold/flu/parvo. That was not a fun bug to catch. Well, much love to all. I added a picture since my sweet Betsy's Girl requested me to do so. Till next time...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Sick baby birds

Joel, Grace & Jesse are still sick. My body keeps trying to tell me that I am also getting sick but I refuse to believe it. Grace is definitely on the upswing of the bug. Jesse's poor little nose is still stuffed up but seems to be clearing up. Joel was feeling better but then another Mack truck hit him last night. Have I mentioned how thankful I am for Puffs Plus with Vicks?!

Today I looked at Grace & realized just how truly, amazingly, naturally beautiful she is. I just wanted to share that with whoever reads this. As sassy & unruly as she can be, she has such a beauty to her that I honestly feel sometimes like there really is no other person in the world as beautiful as that little girl. Lord help us all when she hits 16!!!