Thursday, December 18, 2008

A Christmas tree, a lost toof, and a BBQ sauce-lovin baby!

Oh Tannenbaum! I love our tree. It's the one that Joel's family used for years. As much as I love the tradition of a natural tree, I love the little bit of nostalgia this one brings. And, I don't have to remember to water it!

Grace's 2nd tooth finally fell out...when I wiggled it....while I pulled really hard. BAD MOMMY!!! But that thing had to go. It was hanging by a toothy thread & it was freaking us all out that she might swallow it. So, here is our lovely little Grace-o-lantern!

And last, but certainly not least....Jesse is a Georgia Boy through & through. He LOVED BBQ Sauce! OK, it's really prunes. But doesn't it look like BBQ? We were cracking up. He's such a good eater.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the toothy grin,love the tree...I like areal tree...the smell! But we have a fake one too,that I've grown quite attached to!
Mailed your package today,it should be there in Christmas Eve!