Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Fun hodge podge of pictures....

My Mom had a layover in Atlanta on Memorial Day. We got to visit for a couple hours. It was nice.

Jesse & one of his lady friends Livvie.

Gracie planting her new veggie garden.

Jesse signing "DADDY" at the park. He would sign & then look around & say, "A-DA!" which meant he was looking for his Daddy. It was so sweet.

"Thank you for shopping Kroger"

Great picture of Jesse & Oma. We were watching the dump trucks dump the new gravel in our driveway. Not much to do around here. It's very exciting to watch! Jesse loved it.

Grace is just cute. That's all there is to it! Too bad she doesn't know it!



HMA said...

you are just dreamy-beautiful. really. I'm swooning.
your kids are pretty cute too, but it's sort of a given.

HMA said...

btw, I say Gracie is way more beautiful with gardening gloves than lipstick and sequins. But that's just me ;)