Saturday, May 23, 2009

So long, farewell....

Yesterday, our sweet little Kindergartner completed her first year of school. Her Daddy & I enjoyed a lovely "Beach Party" on the playground with the rest of the 5 & 6-year-olds and their parents. There was a big inflated waterslide, three plastic pools and tons of water guns. Much fun was had. The kids had a nice tropical feast of PB&Js, Chips & Fruit. I made the fruit platter. I was rather impressed with how it turned out! :o)

We just can't believe it's over. How is it that just yesterday, we were dropping off a very nervous yet excited little almost-5-year-old for her FIRST day of Kindergarten? In just a little over two months she will be a big First Grader. HOLD THE PHONE!!! How are these kids of ours getting so grown up, so fast?! Well, I guess that's just life...

These two women should be Sainted! They are mostly responsible for shaping the future of these kids' lives. They have given them an amazing start to their education. We can't believe how much Gracie has learned this year. It really is nothing short of a miracle!!!

Ms. Eileen, Grace & Ms. Kawin

1 comment:

Nesting Momma said...

That brought tears to my eyes! What a joy and so exciting. I can't believe how fast the years are going. I remember you visiting me when I was having Tabi and you were pregnant with Gracie. WOW and here we are, entering the 1st grade!

xoxo Donna