Thursday, January 1, 2009

Bungee cords are not my friend!!!!

Mommy was not the sharpest tack in the cork board the other morning. While letting the dogs out, the redneck leash (bungee cord) that was hooked through the aluminum ring (which was supposed to be hooked through the strong, metal part of the collar) yanked the ring apart & the bungee SNAPPED back into my left hand. Willie the dog got away & I screamed the most blood curdling, unholy scream ever. The hook smashed my thumb nail and the knuckles of my thumb, middle & ring finger. I had to get my wedding rings off quickly. That finger was swelling fast! So, needless to say, my hand ended up looking like a bad Halloween prop. Enjoy the carnage!


MomMega: said...

Holy Four-Letter-Word Woman!!! That looks like it hurts. Happy New Year!!

HMA said...

oh, you'll do anything for attention.