Saturday, February 21, 2009

Hail storm, curly girly, baby boy feeding himself/finger painting, the headache-curing hat & a sweet painting by a sweet girl!

We had a HAIL of a storm blow through the other day. Joel hadn't even see anything like this here. It was pretty crazy. We had hail up to the size of baseballs. We had some minor damage to the van. Dimples are only cute on baby butts! Not mini van hoods!

Grace had her hair curly for a day. This was a mid-night trip to the potty & I couldn't resist the photo op of utter cuteness! Besides, she looks three again here.

I decided to let Jesse "feed" himself. It was pretty cute. He ended up painting with it more than eating. But he had fun.

Grace had a headache the other day. She SWORE that this hat helped her feel better so she wore it to bed. I really do pick my battles carefully.

And last, Grace had a lovely play date at her friend Samantha's house. The girls had a blast together. They ended up painting beautiful masterpieces. Here's Grace's.

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