Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Jesse turned SEVEN months old yesterday (the 8th). To celebrate, he cut his first tooth. That little bud on the bottom left finally bloomed into a very sharp little tooth. Poor little dude! Thank God for Hyland's Teething Tablets. They are wonderful. I have even used them on canker sores. If you are the parent (or caregiver) of a child who is teething, get Hyland's. Target has them at the pharmacist's counter for under $5. They are way better & SAFER than numbing gel. That can cause a gagging hazard.

Grace has lost one tooth & has another that is literally hanging on by a thread. The new teeth are growing in already. How are our babies getting so big, so fast?! NOT FAIR! We went to see Santa last weekend. He was great. She was a little shy. But she told him that she wants anything he would like to give her EXCEPT for Barbies or Bratz. I'm so proud.

We are finally almost over our gross cold/flu/parvo. That was not a fun bug to catch. Well, much love to all. I added a picture since my sweet Betsy's Girl requested me to do so. Till next time...


HMA said...

so, how about the pictures from the Santa visit???

Sierra said...

They're on their way to you! Eager beaver!

Nesting Momma said...

I love Hyland's..you're the one who told me to put them directly on the tooth when they are teething. It works so well!! Glad you are all feeling better!!n Send me santa picts too!

HMA said...

no more posts without pictures. your kids are too cute for just text. it's like a crime.